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The Energy Leadership Index Assessment 

Improving the Quality of Your Life Through Awareness of Your Stressors

How You Handle Stress


We all encounter stress, but what really is stress? The simple answer: Stress is the difference between reality (what is really happening) and what we thought was going to happen or "should" happen. That's it! And since we live in a world where the only constant is change, we are bound to be affected when we don't feel things go our way.


We all experience changes in needs, expectations, the environment, relationships, careers, economics, business, time demands, and more.  There is no one formula that will allow us to effectively manage change, and even less information about how not only to survive but thrive, in the face of change.  

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Energy Leadership Index ™ Assessment

Learning how you show up energetically and how that energy shifts when you feel stress is critical to growth and fulfillment in your life. To assist you, the Energy Leadership Assessment is designed to create awareness around your perceived level of choice when you encounter change. 


The Energy Leadership Index™ (E.L.I.) is a one-of-a-kind assessment that enables leaders to hold up mirrors to their perceptions, attitudes, behaviors, and overall leadership capabilities.  The E.L.I. forms the initial launching point for the Energy Leadership Development System, helping give you a baseline for your current performance and situation.  Whether you proceed through the full system or not, the realizations that you'll gain from the Energy Leadership assessment and debrief process alone will change the way you view your world.


Background: An Attitudinal Assessment

There are two main types of assessments: Personality and Attitudinal. Personality-based assessments, such as Myers Briggs and D.I.S.C. are very valuable tools that pinpoint certain personality types so that people can have more of an understanding of what their strengths and weaknesses are. By understanding your personality and how it relates to what you do, you can adapt your behavior to "work with what you have," to function effectively.


The E.L.I. is an attitudinal assessment, which is based on an energy/action model. This assessment differs from personality assessments as it is not intended to label a person and have them work well within that label. Instead, it measures your level of energy based on your attitude, perception, and perspective of your world. Because attitude is subjective, it can be altered. As an Energy Leadership Index Certified Master Practitioner, I can help you make a shift in your consciousness, and increase your energy and leadership effectiveness.

Web copy used by permission. No reproduction or retransmission is permitted without expressed written consent of Bruce D Schneider and the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC).


© 2006 - 2011 Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC)


"I have been involved in industry and leadership for more than fifty years. I know from experience that the gaining of wisdom and knowledge never ceases.


The experience I went through with the Energy Leadership Index assessment and Ramsey’s ability to interpret my results definitely pushed my thinking to another level.

I had not experienced a system like this in my journey and I found it very interesting in considering how the personalization of stress was affecting my levels of energy in areas I have not considered before.


I found myself immediately applying this deeper understanding after our session to all aspects of my life. I have changed my routine to incorporate more time for contemplation and consideration of how life affects me and my reaction to these influences.


I am still considering this deeper understanding and will no doubt continue to the next step with Ramsey for a coaching session.


As a result of my own experience, I have introduced Ramsey to several professional colleagues who coordinate professional training activities in which I associate.

In a word, would I recommend an interaction with Ramsey as I have experienced? Yes."

-David Dunn

Director of Fleet Management and Sustainability

City of Orlando, FL

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